Medication dispensing represents a common pain point in orthopedic medicine. Here’s a look at what typically happens after you write an order for prescription medications for one of your clients.

You provide them with the prescription at the point of care. They head to their local pharmacy or formulary to obtain the medication, hoping that their insurance approves the order and there aren’t any delays.

If there are any issues with the pharmacy services or fulfillment process, patient compliance will plummet. Delays at the pharmacy can also negatively impact patient satisfaction and your healthcare facility’s reputation. What if you simply filled the medications in-house?

That’s the idea behind orthopedic medication dispensing. Here’s everything you need to know about dispensing medication in orthopedics offices in a cost-effective way.

Introduction to Orthopedic Medication Dispensing

In-office dispensing involves supplying your patients with their medications directly in your clinic. You won’t have to send them to their local pharmacy but can give them the medications they need on the spot instead.

In-office dispensing can significantly improve patient outcomes by removing barriers to prescription fulfillment. 

Your clients can start their treatment plans right away, which can be especially beneficial when you are prescribing medications for pain management. They won’t have to suffer for hours or days while they wait for a third-party pharmacy to fulfill their order.

On-site dispensing not only provides a valuable service to patients but also streamlines the care experience. You and your team of providers can reduce the potential for prescription errors and delays.

The Benefits of In-Office Medication Dispensing for Orthopedic Practices

Dispensing medication in orthopedics offices offers several advantages over the traditional pharmacy model.

Enhanced Patient Convenience

Patients don’t want to make extra stops after their appointment, especially if they’ve just been in for outpatient orthopedic surgery or a painful procedure. They need to start their treatment plans right away.

By offering medications on-site, you remove barriers to care, which can be particularly beneficial for patients with mobility issues, pediatric clients, and those with limited access to transportation.

Increased Patient Adherence

Use in-office dispensing as an opportunity to provide medication education to your patients. You can explain to them the importance of following your treatment plan. 

On-site dispensing also reduces the risk of prescriptions going unfilled due to the inconvenience of an extra trip. Immediate access can lead to higher patient satisfaction and better health outcomes.

Improved Revenue Generation

Physician dispensing creates a new revenue stream for your practice. Your team can file for reimbursement from insurance companies instead of allowing those profits to go to the third-party pharmacy.

Streamlined Workflows and Improved Practice Efficiency

Handling prescriptions in-house reduces administrative tasks associated with coordinating with external pharmacies. Your team will save time on phone calls and follow-ups. They can devote more of their day to delivering exceptional patient care.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Orthopedic Medication Dispensing

Orthopedic medication dispensing is closely regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). You’ll need to obtain a DEA number if you intend to prescribe and fill orders for opioids, muscle relaxants, and other controlled substances.

You will also need to familiarize yourself with state-specific laws. Your state may require you to obtain a dispensing license from the state board of pharmacy. You must ensure you meet all requirements and adhere to record-keeping regulations to avoid penalties.

As a dispenser, your practice will also have to follow labeling requirements. Ensure each label includes relevant information, such as the patient’s name and medication name and dosage, as well as any other required data.

Common Medications Dispensed in Orthopedic Offices

While you want to meet the needs of as many patients as possible, you must also be realistic when it comes to inventory management and storage. Focus on medications that are commonly issued by healthcare providers in the orthopedic setting. 

A few examples include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and sometimes opioids for severe pain.

Make sure you take extra precautions when dispensing controlled substances. Invest in medical equipment that prevents unauthorized access while maintaining an accurate inventory of scheduled drugs.

Setting Up an Efficient Orthopedic Medication Dispensing System

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how you can start your own in-house dispensing program:

  • Get to Know the Law: Brush up on state and federal regulations
  • Obtain Necessary Licenses: Obtain a DEA number and register with the state board of pharmacy in your jurisdiction
  • Develop Clear Policies: Create procedures for your team to ensure everyone knows what they can and can’t do
  • Invest in Equipment: Purchase secure, user-friendly equipment to keep drugs out of the wrong hands
  • Implement Dispensing Software: Use dispensing software to track inventory and manage prescriptions
  • Train Your Team: Educate your staff on dispensing procedures and patient communication requirements

After you begin dispensing medications in-house, monitor the efficacy of your program to ensure its efficiency. Conduct regular audits and quickly fix any issues that could expose your practice to liability.

Ensuring Patient Safety and Adherence in Orthopedic Medication Dispensing

You should always place patient safety top of mind. Before giving a client a prescription medication, explain what you are doing, why, and how they should take the meds. Educate them on any potential side effects and precautions.

Encourage your patients to ask questions and confirm their understanding. You don’t want anyone to accidentally take too much or too little of a medication simply because they don’t understand the instructions.

You should also implement a follow-up process so your team can check in with patients. Be proactive to promote better adherence and patient outcomes.

Cost and Revenue Considerations for Orthopedic Medication Dispensing

You will incur some upfront expenses when launching your dispensing program. A few costs may include:

  • Equipment (computer and printer)
  • Registration and licensing fees
  • Software
  • Training
  • Cost of medications

Don’t let these costs discourage you. You will create a new revenue stream by dispensing medications in-house and can recoup your initial investment relatively quickly.

We recommend performing a cost-benefit analysis to identify your break-even point. The analysis will also help you calculate the potential income from dispensing medications. Don’t forget to account for non-monetary benefits, such as better patient satisfaction and loyalty.

The Role of Physician Dispensing Partners in Orthopedic Medication Dispensing

Physician dispensing companies like Proficient Rx can be an invaluable part of your journey. Our team provides specialized software that can assist with compliance and inventory management.

Proficient Rx dispensing software will create an auditable trail of transactions, which helps you document what prescriptions you are issuing and who receives them. This information is critical for analyzing program performance and protecting your reputation.

Common Challenges in Orthopedic Medication Dispensing

Here are a few barriers you may encounter when implementing an orthopedic medication dispensing program:

  • Inventory Management: Implement and perform regular audits to prevent shortages or overstocking
  • Compliance: Provide regular policy updates on legal requirements to ensure patient safety
  • Staff Training: Educate your team on best practices to ensure a smooth transition to the in-office dispensing model

Don’t cut corners when implementing your program. Without the right tools and training, in-office dispensing can expose your business to severe liability and create patient safety issues. On the other hand, a focused approach can significantly increase revenue and enhance the client experience.

Understanding the Risks of Not Implementing In-Office Medication Dispensing

It’s easy to overthink the risks of dispensing meds internally. What you should be considering are the dangers of not implementing in-office dispensing.

Patient adherence represents a top concern. Clients may delay or forget to fill their prescriptions when they have to go somewhere else to get their meds. Low adherence can lead to poorer health outcomes.

Convenience represents another concern. You want to make receiving quality care as seamless as possible for your clients.

Not implementing in-office dispensing also leads to missed revenue. You can use the extra cash from your program to contribute to your practice’s financial health and stability.

The Future of Medication Dispensing in Orthopedic Practices

Advancements in technology can further streamline dispensing processes. Automation is already widely used and reduces errors, thereby increasing patient safety. 

Patient apps are becoming increasingly popular as well. Your clients can use their app to access information about their prescriptions, communicate with your office, and take control of their care journeys.

In-office dispensing aligns with patient expectations regarding convenience and personalized healthcare experiences. Your clients want prompt, quality service and a care experience that meets their unique health needs. Medication dispensing helps you meet these needs while enhancing your office’s reputation.

Streamline Patient Care With In-Office Orthopedic Medication Dispensing

Integrating orthopedic medication dispensing into your practice offers immediate access to prescriptions and improved adherence. Patients will appreciate the convenience and may even refer friends and family to your office. Proficient Rx can help you unlock these benefits and provide your clients with the experience they deserve.

Want to learn more about how doctor dispensing works? Contact us to schedule a consultation or set up a Proficient Rx demo.