Medication adherence is a well-known issue that affects both patients and healthcare providers. The statistics can be staggering, with medications for most chronic conditions having adherence rates in the 50% to 60% range.

Improving medication compliance is an ongoing challenge, but there are strategies you can implement to enhance results. Learn more about how to improve patient compliance with medications.

Understanding Medication Compliance

Medication compliance is a crucial part of healthcare, with nonadherence putting patients at risk.

Definition and Importance

Medication compliance refers to the extent to which a person’s behaviors correspond with taking a medication. It considers whether the person takes the medication the right number of times a day, as well as whether they continue treatment over time.

The importance of medication adherence can’t be overstated. It is essential for meeting therapeutic goals and achieving optimal patient care.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Nonadherence to medication schedules not only wastes the drugs but also results in disease progression and reduced functional abilities. This is especially true for people who have chronic diseases. In turn, nonadherence lowers these patients’ quality of life and increases their need to turn to hospitals and emergency services.

Common Barriers to Medication Compliance

Medication nonadherence can be both intentional and unintentional, though the result is the same.

Forgetfulness and Busy Schedules

Busy schedules can make it more difficult for people to stick to their medication schedules. They may forget to take a dose and then take more of the drug to make up for it, putting them at significant risk and not doing much for disease management.

Side Effects and Fear of Adverse Reactions

A serious issue that can prevent medication compliance is the worry about dealing with uncomfortable and unpleasant side effects. To avoid these, patients might skip a dose or take less of the medication.

Complexity of Medication Regimens

Patients with chronic conditions or those who need to take multiple medications can struggle to follow their treatment regimen. This is a particular issue with people older adults.

Lack of Understanding and Education

Poor medication adherence also occurs because the patient doesn’t understand how crucial sticking to the treatment plan is. They may not fully grasp how the medication works.

Financial Constraints

Prescribed medications can be expensive, and not everyone has insurance to cover these costs. Patients who lack the financial stability to regularly purchase their medications are unlikely to have the positive health outcomes they deserve.

Strategies for Improving Medication Compliance

Achieving patient medication compliance requires turning to some interventions. From providing medication education to addressing side effects, healthcare professionals can make a difference in patient outcomes.

Simplifying Medication Regimens

Medication regimens for people with chronic diseases tend to be confusing. It’s important for physicians and pharmacists to work together to find medication options that simplify what a patient takes. This can include reducing the number of daily doses or using combination pills.

Simplifying medication regimens has another benefit: reducing high costs. Healthcare costs pose a problem for medication compliance, so reducing the number of medications needed makes it easier for people from all socioeconomic backgrounds to get help.

Educating Patients About Their Medications

Ensuring that patients understand what the medications they take are for is a vital step that clinicians and healthcare providers take to improve medication compliance. When a patient truly knows how their medications can make a difference for conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and other serious chronic illnesses, their adherence rates improve.

Utilizing Medication Reminders and Alerts

Patients can set up alarms on their phones or watches. Alternatively, they can receive automated text messages to remind them to take their medications. To save time, they can set up pill boxes at the start of every week to have everything organized.

Encouraging Family and Caregiver Support

Getting a patient’s family or caregiver involved in the medication regimen can also improve medication compliance. A family member can ensure the person sticks to their schedule and doesn’t miss doses.

Addressing Side Effects and Concerns

Speaking with patients about the side effects they can experience and offering medication alternatives is another way to help ensure proper medication use. Explain to patients how long they can expect to experience side effects while addressing any concerns they may have.

The Role of Technology in Medication Compliance

Technology is one of the most powerful tools available now to help improve patient health via medication compliance.

Mobile Apps and Digital Tools

Apps and tools can all function as digital pill boxes as well as reminders of when to take the next dose. There are even systems that can time stamp every time a patient opens a pill bottle, which can allow a healthcare provider to adjust schedules or make other treatment changes. Self-report systems are not nearly as effective.

Telemedicine and Virtual Check-Ins

Telemedicine services allow providers to speak with patients without needing to set up an in-person consult. As a result, patients who have mobility issues or busy schedules are more likely to get the follow-up care they need.

Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Patient Portals

With EHRs, it’s much easier for patients to continue to adhere to their treatments when they’re traveling or unable to turn to their usual physicians for prescription refills. Patient portals also offer the chance for patients to interact with their healthcare providers no matter where they are. The more involved individuals are, the more likely it is that patient medication adherence will improve.

Patient Education and Communication

Communication and education are key in helping patients remain focused on their treatment regimens.

Clear Instructions and Demonstrations

When prescribing any medications to patients, fully explaining how and when to take them is crucial. This ensures that they don’t hesitate to use them as required.

Open Dialogue and Addressing Patient Concerns

If patients feel comfortable speaking about their worries regarding the medications they take, they can get the reassurance they need to stick to their treatment plan. Ensuring this comfort level requires healthcare providers to welcome questions or worries and take the time to address them.

Regular Follow-Ups and Monitoring

Following up on a patient is important to help them adhere to the treatment and improve their clinical outcomes because they won’t feel as alone with their medication management. The follow-ups can be done through the phone or virtually.

Motivational Strategies to Improve Compliance

To help patients, especially those with chronic conditions, motivational strategies can be helpful.

Positive Reinforcement and Incentives

A system that offers simple rewards or praise for consistently following medication schedules can incentivize patients. Individual healthcare providers can decide which incentives are most suitable depending on the patient’s age.

Goal Setting and Progress Tracking

Encourage patients to set goals to meet and help them find ways of tracking their progress. Many virtual tools are available to help with both of these strategies.

Peer Support and Patient Groups

Patients who know they have people they can talk with when beginning new treatments will feel more supported and better adhere to treatment.

The Role of Physician Dispensing In Medication Compliance

In-office dispensing is one of the best strategies for healthcare professionals looking to improve adherence.

Immediate Access to Medications

Medication dispensing that takes place right in the office ensures there are no treatment delays. The patient can begin getting care right away.

Enhanced Patient-Doctor Communication

A patient with access to in-office dispensing will be able to ask questions about the medication from their entire healthcare team. That makes it easier for them to get instructions directly from the start. Their physician can also address any worries about Rx drug interactions and offer guidance on how to manage medication schedules.

Reducing Barriers and Improving Convenience

Having access to physician dispensing services means patients don’t have to travel to a pharmacy, which could be a concern for those with busy lives or who don’t have transportation. It’s one way of making the healthcare system work more efficiently for everyone.

How Proficient Rx Can Help

Proficient Rx offers some of the most exciting software solutions for a healthcare practice.

Overview of Proficient Rx’s Medication Dispensing Solutions

Proficient Rx is one of the leading physician dispensing companies. Our team makes the process of getting medications into patients’ hands much easier and safer. We provide simple software solutions for medication monitoring and dispensing.

Contact Information and Next Steps for Interested Practices

To learn more about how doctor dispensing works or to begin helping patients with their medications and medication compliance, contact Proficient Rx.