In-office dispensing of medications to patients can be extremely beneficial for both you and your patients. Not only does it save you both time, it can add revenue to your practice with little extra effort when you dispense in office.
If you are ready to begin the process of setting up point of care dispensing, then you are probably asking yourself, “How do I know if am able to do this?”
One way many physicians choose to start the process is to choose a reputable company to partner with for providing medications and software technology. You can dispense in office and have most companies can do most of the work for you, especially when it comes to workers’ compensation claims.
They have the capabilities and the extensive history of working to make sure physicians comply, have everything you need to dispense in office, and even take care of the refill and insurance claims process.
Below are some of the ways the in-office dispensing company, and you, can make sure you are able to establish this ancillary service.
Register with the Pharmacy Board
Pharmacy board regulations will vary from state to state. However, they each have similar processes. Many times, physicians are held to less requirements than pharmacists are when it comes to setting up a system to dispense in office.
Registering with your pharmacy board will require you show evidence of your license and any examinations necessary to practice medicine in your state.
Register with Board every year to avoid any lapses with your credentials to dispense in office.
Dispensing Regulations for Physicians
There are certain limitations in dispensing medications that are issued to protect the patient. There are three specific categories that are limitations for physicians. If you are interested in gaining from these categories, then physician dispensing may not be for you.
The first category prevents physicians from inflating the costs of repackaged medications by restricting how they are billed. The second category prevents you from collecting a dispense in office fee from the patient. And the third category allows your state to put limitations on how you dispense medicine.
For example, some states determine the amount of controlled substances you can prescribe in a defined period.
Working with a dispensing company can help you abide by these regulations and dispense in office. Their software technology is set up to accommodate these rules from the very beginning.
Applications for Physician Dispensing
Applications for physicians to dispense in office will vary by state. However, each application will ask related questions about your qualifications and intentions.
You will be asked to identify the specific medications you plan to dispense in office. You will also be asked basic questions about where and how the medications will be dispensed in office.
More specific questions may focus on whether the patient has access to a pharmacy or if it is difficult for them to obtain medications. The more conveniences you can provide for your patient, the more likely your application will be received.
Voluntary Accreditation with the Physician Dispensing Association
The Physicians Dispensing Association was created to help you stand out in your field of practice. It gives you an advantage over other in-office dispensing physicians. It shows your patients you went the extra mile to ensure your practice is of the best quality and meets the highest standards.
This organization helps you adjust and make changes to your practice each time a law or regulation is updated. It helps you remain compliant with all legislation regarding point of care dispensing.
The Association also provides you with best practices so you can guarantee quality and safety for your patients when you dispense in office.
While this is not a requirement, getting accredited can be a good trust indicator for your patients when you dispense in office.
Essentials to Dispense In Office
There are necessities that your office will need to dispense in office. If you can meet these requirements, then you are a viable candidate for a point of care prescribing program.
You will need a good computer system that can have in-office software technology installed on it. This technology is the most crucial factor with in-office dispensing. It allows you to track patient information, easily submit claims to insurance companies, order refills and help you remain in compliance with all laws and regulations.
A printer is required for printing labels.
You will also need to train all your staff in how to use the software technology. This can be done in just a few hours. With around the clock technology support, your in-office dispensing program can obtain help whenever needed.
Your office will need to install a safe and secure medical cabinet for storage.
It is a much simpler process than you may think. Partnering with a reliable in-office dispensing company makes it even simpler. They can help you get approved and get started dispensing in a brief period. Now that you know you can do it, you can start establishing your dispensing program today.