Proficient Rx Blog

Leading source for medication dispensing resources and insights on improving patient safety and outcome, providing faster medication access, increasing prescriber experience, and lowing the cost of care.

3 Examples of Medication Reconciliation Best Practices

2020-12-12T08:31:42+00:00December 12, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Every doctor’s office, hospital and medical facility knows, or should know, the importance of medication reconciliation in preventing adverse drug events. There is a lot that has been said and that continues to be said about the issue, but a lot of it lacks actionable advice. To that end, here are three best practices that could benefit your office.

Increasing Medication Compliance in the Elderly

2024-09-05T15:17:14+00:00August 13, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Elderly patients often have several medications to keep up with and take. Unfortunately, this patient group is well-known for often not taking their prescriptions for a variety of reasons. Doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and others similarly employed in the healthcare industry should take steps to do their part to make sure their elderly patients take

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